To change modulo :

To change modulo to gogol number : 10^100

4 operations :

Clear button : clear all except stocked number and modulo

Mod button : give the residue modulo

Factorial button : give the factorial of the screen number

Example : 5! = 120
Inverse button : give the inverse modulo of the screen number. If the screen number is prime and there is no inverse fot it, this is one divisor of the modulo.

Example : 3 has no inverse modulo 15, but 3 has an inverse modulo 1001. 3 divides 15 but not 1001. 334 is the inverse of 3 modulo 1001 because 3*334 = 1002 = 1 modulo 1001.
Sto and Rcl buttons : to stocke a number and to recall it later.

Enter or egal modulo : to give the result modulo of the operation